Privacy Policy

Impex International respects the privacy of its online visitors and is committed to protect it in all conditions. Impex International collects information on or through this site that can personally identify the visitor only when it is voluntarily offered by the visitor. For example, Impex International collects personally identifiable information to respond to visitor questions and comments about Impex International and its products and services, through e-mail, e-newsletters etc.

The portal sometimes includes sweepstakes or other promotions that Impex International is offering or is offering jointly with another company, and Impex International may allow the visitor to enter electronically in some cases. In such cases, Impex International will use the information provided by the visitor for the purpose of conducting the promotion. In addition, Impex International may also collect demographic and other data for market research, advertising and promotional purposes.

Impex International does not share any of the personal information provided by the visitor, with any third party other than service providers of Impex International who assist Impex International in providing the information and/or services. It would be done only if the party has agreed to comply with Impex International’s privacy standards as described in this privacy policy. Impex International may also share the visitor personal information with other companies of Impex International in other countries where data privacy laws may not be equivalent to those in force in India.

Impex International may use and reproduce any non-personal information, communications and material sent by the visitor by e-mail on a non-confidential basis, freely and for any purpose whatsoever. Impex International may independently use any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in such information for any purpose, including developing, manufacturing or marketing products. Any information personally sent by the visitor must be truthful, not violate the rights of others and be legal.

Impex International uses “cookie” technology, where Impex International’s servers deposit special codes on a visitor’s computer. This information helps Impex International determine in the aggregate the total number of visitors to the site on an on-going basis and the types of internet browsers and operating systems. This information is used to enhance the visitor’s on-line visits. Under no circumstances Impex International uses this information to personally identify visitors or cross-reference the information with any type of personal information that is voluntarily offered on or through the site.

Impex International may modify this policy at any time, in its sole discretion and all modifications will be effective immediately upon Impex International’s posting of the modifications on this site. Unless Impex International specifically provide otherwise, this policy only applies to this site and Impex International’s online activities, and does not apply to any of Impex International’s’s offline activities.

Impex International grants the rights to access the content on Impex International but does not grant any rights to reproduce, copy, or replicate content or images unless specifically stated. Users may link to articles and information contained on Impex International but does not constitute any grant of rights otherwise.

Impex International uses the first and third party cookies and Google analytics tools to gather information about user behaviour and demographics and interest on this website. Impex International also uses cookies for generating awareness about its products. Users can opt-out by using Google’s opt-out browser tool

By accessing users grant Impex International access to cookie information including but not limited to cookie information generated at Impex International as well as other websites as utilized by Google Analytic tools. Users grant Impex International access to information including but not limited to email address, their name, their location, but also social media interactions.

All information gathered on site is securely stored within the Impex International’s controlled database. The database is stored on servers secured behind a firewall; access to the servers is password-protected and is strictly limited. However, as effective as Impex International’s security measures are, no security system is impenetrable. Impex International cannot guarantee the security of its database, nor can it guarantee that information. The visitor supply will not be intercepted while being transmitted to Impex International over the internet. And, of course, any information the visitor include in a posting to the discussion areas is available to anyone with internet access.

However, the internet is an ever evolving medium. Impex International may change its privacy policy from time to time to incorporate necessary future changes. Of course, Impex International’s use of any information it gather will always be consistent with the policy under which the information was collected, regardless of what the new policy may be.

If you have any questions about any of these policies please contact us.